
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an invaluable digital marketing tool that makes a web page more visible and easy to find. As it enhances the visibility on search engines, it allows brands to reach customers in key moments while they are searching for products and services related to your business. It is not just the most viable but a cost effective way to increase visibility in Google, Bing and other search engines. The better visibility your brand has in search results, the better is the overall total traffic or clicks your website receives for a specific keyword. Now are you curious to know how to make your website more SEO friendly and search focused in 2023? Well, there are many factors that can impact your search engine rankings. Right from your website’s design to performance, SEO friendliness depends on multiple things. To make sure your website is Google’s best friend, you must follow an SEO-friendly website checklist. In this blog, we have discussed all the ways you can rank on search engines and gain more organic traffic on your website. Below are a few tips on how to become more SEO friendly.

Make your website visually attractive

Make your website visually attractive by incorporating the best graphics and lively images. Although content is the king that helps attract more visitors on your website, if the same is shown graphically through diagrams & statistics, the audience shall connect in a better manner.

List your website link in Google business listing

This is a great way to attract more traffic to your website. The optimized business list on Google provides the brief information of your business with your address, closing times, website & directions. Google listing is easy & free to use and enables your website to show up in results relevant to your business. It uses the visual representation of your company office/interiors along with the customer reviews & ratings. In other words, google listing creates your brief introduction which the potential customers can glance upon. It creates an interest in their minds which can result in increased traffic on your website.

Incorporate business blogs

This is a mandatory feature you need to add on your website if you want to attract quality customers. High quality blogs with relevant content are a crowd puller especially when they are published regularly. According to the statistics, the websites who regularly publish blogs get 55% more visitors than their counterparts and the companies who publish blogs get 97% more links to their websites. You can bring variations in your blogs by picking up interesting topics, embedding videos in your blog posts, creating visually appealing graphics in your blogs and even inviting guest authors to share their articles with a link to your website which is surely a guaranteed way to pull the traffic.

Run social media campaigns

If you are an e-commerce website or have your own online store, running paid media ads is a great way to divert traffic on your website. Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest are some of the platforms where you can run your social media campaigns to target the customers who are likely to get interested in your products. Facebook Dynamic Ads provide the Retargeting/Remarketing option and help you reach those customers who visited your website previously and show them the products they viewed earlier and win them back to your website. Instagram has gained popularity in the last few years among the emerging businesses and has excellent tools to connect with the target audience. Pinterest is also one of the most popular platforms when it comes to reaching out to target customers with their dedicated pins/paid ads.

Hire influencers to establish authority

Another trusted way to increase your visibility in the market and grow your company’s audience is influencer marketing. Whether you want to establish your authority in the domain or increase awareness and social impact in your field, influencer marketing can help. To begin with influencer marketing, first choose the brand message that you want to drive to your target audiences. Once done, find the relevant creators who can help you run the targeted media campaigns against your competitors.

There are numerous ways of using influencer marketing as a tool to improve your marketing campaigns and SEO. Share discount codes and affiliate links through influencers or run a contest for your target audiences or conduct online surveys related to your products. Influencer marketing helps in creating SEO friendly media which can be shared by the creators and the high SEO ranking in turn helps reach a wider audience. It also helps in generating high-quality leads, high return on investment [ROI], repeat purchases & building customer loyalty. In short, the more content you have regarding your business, the more chances it creates to gain visibility in the market.

Plan engaging videos on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the most trusted site used by professionals across the globe to connect & network with like-minded professionals & its growing fast. One of the fastest & effective ways to attract customers to your website is by sharing videos on LinkedIn. You can create an engaging video about your business & the products, including your business journey from the commencement of your operations followed by the success & your vision. You will be surprised by the likes/comments & shares you will get within no time. What more, the audience on this site is the most legit and mean serious business.

Use email marketing to your advantage

Email marketing is also one of the most essential parts of SEO and enhancing your online presence. A consistent flow of valuable content will keep your audience hooked and create the required visibility your business needs. Email marketing is a great way to connect with your customers personally and ask them what they think—are they happy with your products, do they want something additional in your product line which needs to be introduced. You can also create a brand identity survey to get valuable feedback from the target audience. Activities such as these make the customers feel that their opinions are being valued & heard. So combine email marketing with SEO efforts to provide the added visibility to your brand.

Use Google Analytics

This is a trusted marketing tool that analyzes the customer’s behavior & patterns online and provides useful insights. You can incorporate this tool by syncing your search console account & setting up a custom SEO dashboard. Once you have identified your target audience, this tool helps you in optimizing a user’s journey on your website and you can boost the content across more digital marketing avenues. You can track the user’s journey and can send them to your product pages, prompting them to make the purchases while minimizing the pop-up ads, reducing page load time & saving customer’s info [phone numbers & addresses] to provide an awesome experience to them.

We hope these tips were helpful and will prove to be a preferable guidebook to start your business journey towards reaping success. Good Luck!

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